"Lo, children are the heritage from the lord." - Psalm 127:3

It is the goal of Hampstead Baptist Church Nursery Care Ministry to provide a loving, safe and healthy environment for each child while in our care. We believe that the purpose of our nursery is to provide a spiritual foundation for the children while allowing parents, grandparents, siblings and caregivers the opportunity to worship, learn and fellowship during all classes and worship services. The primary responsibilities in this ministry are to show each child the love of Jesus in everything, to pray for each child that they may come to know Him at the earliest age possible, to be an example to the children of how to be Christ-like, and to care for each child as if they were out own.


Our nursery team is made up of more than 70 volunteers serving our HBC family during four different service times each week. In addition they serve during special events and special services throughout the year. We ask that all parents who use the nursery prayerfully consider serving in the Nursery Care Ministry of Hampstead Baptist Church. Anyone interested in serving in this ministry, please contact our nursery coordinator.

Safety and Security


Nursery is offered to children from birth through Pre-K. Children are placed according to age with consideration to their level of development and mobility.

There may be as many as four nursery rooms available at any one given time depending on the worship service times. The age groups and room numbers are as follows:

Rooms in use by service times are as follows:

Children leave the nursery and begin attending children’s church once they begin Kindergarten.